We had a very poor turn out for the March meeting, when we were to decide what direction our group was going to take. Disappointingly, only 2 moms showed up along with three leaders.
We talked about what to do with our meeting dates and times and
decided that for April we would continue our meeting at Dr Huggins'
office at the same time. Meanwhile, we would begin to investigate
having our meetings at that daycare on Bellin Rd in Idaho Falls that was so very child
We talked about daytime meetings and decided that we would make them
an every other month event, held at the mall play place, and that
they would be more like enrichment meetings with no formal topic.
If you have something that you would like to talk about that is not
really breastfeeding related, please let us know! We have had
enrichment meetings about many diverse topics including baby
wearing, homeschooling, cloth diapering, green smoothies, sprouting,
and really anything you want to discuss or share with other members
of our group.
Here's a short overview: April 11, meeting at Dr Huggins' office in
Idaho Falls
May Meeting: TBD place and time.
What is your opinion? Where and when would you like to see meetings held? Does day or night work better for you? Are you interested in enrichment meetings?
Idaho Falls Leaders