Membership and donations

La Leche League meetings and breastfeeding help, through our phoneline or email with our leaders, is always FREE.  Membership to LLL of Idaho Falls is a wonderful way to support the work of our volunteer Leaders.  

Benefits of membership include:

  • Access to monthly meetings, Group Library, and our yahoo group.
  • Meet new people in your community while you gain self confidence as you learn from other mothers.
  • Helps Leaders stay up to date on the newest breastfeeding research and information, so they can help you get the most out of your breastfeeding experience.
  • An investment in yourself and your child!
  • Member discounts on conference fees.
  • Increased funds to purchase new books for the Group Library.
  • Ensures that breastfeeding support will continue to be available for other mothers!

A one year membership is $25.00.   For an additional $15.00 ($40.00 total), a copy of the newest edition of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding  is added.

The benefits of breastfeeding are, of course, priceless! Your membership or donation will help mothers in Idaho and all over the world who want to breastfeed!
Pay or Donate with our donate button below, or your membership check, or tax-deductible donation to LLL of Idaho Falls can be mailed to:

LLL of Idaho Falls
c/o Laura Aquino
346 E 19th St
Idaho Falls, ID 83404

Support La Leche League of Idaho Falls quickly and easily, using ChipIn: