Friday, September 28, 2012

New Meeting Time

We are making changes to our monthly meetings.  We will no longer be holding evening meetings.  The meeting will still be held on the second Wednesday of every month, but now they will be a morning meeting, from 11:00am - 12:00pm.  

Through the end of 2012, they will be held at Becca's home, in Rigby.  We are hoping that this will be a change that will work for all of you.   You can find directions on our Meetings page.

Our next meeting will be on October 10th at 11:00am.  Our Topic will be The Breastfeeding Family: Adjusting to a New Baby at Home

As always we welcome all breastfeeding, soon to be breastfeeding mothers and children. A snack to share would be welcome.  Of course we will address any questions or concerns you may have that don't stick our topic, and tailor our meeting to topics that are needed most.

We hope to see you there.  


Your Idaho Falls LLL Leaders